It appears we are living in a society in which, if one has comparative wealth, one can wield power and influence that are immoral, unconscionable, and often unlawful.  It is not the case that logic and ethics win the day.  Often, it is the desire for advantage bolstered by money and ideology that makes palatable behaviors that are harmful, corrupt and chicane.  And these actions are undergirded by the orchestration of multiple lies and deceptions.

Take, for example, the notion that there was widespread voter fraud in 2020.  No court in the land supported such a claim; yet the lack of evidence has scarcely deterred losers from asserting the lie and fomenting violence, criminality, intimidation, and so forth.  Consequently, an ignorant and co-opted citizenry latch onto the invalidities and subsequently vote against their socioeconomic interests.

The tragedy of these states of affairs is that our democratic republic is at stake.  If money can vitiate the truth and blur reality, reenforced by authoritarian pursuits, questionable conduct, facetious lawsuits, threats of violence,  and so forth, the tenets and ideals of democracy are seriously jeopardized.

Those who believe in the promises, principles, and soundness of democracy need to understand the urgencies of the moment and make sure that the road to perdition, i.e., the totalitarianism of oligarchical groups, cannot be continued.   Money should not be the base of authority and position in a society where those who have wealth are an infinitesimal minority.   

We can see that the masses of people who are struggling financially are disrespected by many, if not most, of those who are not.  The lack of empathy for families and individuals who cannot or barely are making ends meet is scandalously arrogant, selfish, immoral, and the very definition of evil.  

The number of problems proceeding from these unethical perspectives defying our constitutional democracy and moral compass are enormous.  As a result, a lot of continual, holistic organizing must occur to re-situate the nation on the genuine avenue that commenced this experiment called the United States of America.  Whereas there a countless groups dealing with this or that issue, there is rarely enough of a critical mass that can effect constructive and positive change in the body politic.  In addition, there’s often that human flaw which prevent people working on a particular issue will suppress their egos to unite with others addressing the same matter to forge a stronger entity.  One of the hallmarks of advocacy and activism is centering on the cause and not the credit.

Furthermore, participation in agencies of change is not a short-term affair.  To be an agent of change, especially of transforming an entrenched, inveterate, and oftentimes disparate networks of systemic corruption grounded in individual and corporate wealth, one must commit to it for the long haul.  Self-sacrifice and communal support are necessary factors for the duration.  This mindset acknowledges that the health of our nation and future generations depend heavily on our persistence in making a better tomorrow.

As the saying goes:

Our thinking makes our future,

Our actions pave the way;

We build a new tomorrow,

On plans we make today.

Let’s get busy!

About mdbwell

Pres., Project for the Beloved Community, Inc.; B.A.--Wesleyan University; M.Div.--Yale University; Ph.D.--Boston University; Summer Study--Harvard University; Social ethicist; Ordained minister; Advocate for the poor
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